[ Charlotte: 704-541-8655 ] [ Greenville, SC: 864-233-4226 ]

Elbow Pain

2% of the population will suffer from elbow pain at some point in their life. While it may not be the most common cause of pain, it certainly can be frustrating. Overuse injuries are very frequent in this body part, but full, permanent resolution can be difficult.

Fortunately, having a complete assessment allows for proper treatment and full resolution. This is what we do at our office! Our average patient has suffered from pain for months and seen 2-3 other providers before finding relief in our office!

Our services aren’t for everyone, but If you are tired of that annoying, frustrating pain that just won’t go away, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to start getting answers!

Testing for a Elbow Pain

A helthy elbow, wrist and hand should be able to extend the wrist back to 90 degrees and the fingers should approach 60 degrees. To thry this test at home, stand facing the wall. Place the forearm at shoulder height, extend the wrist with the opposite arm. Does it make it to 90 degrees? Is it painful?

Now pull back on the fingers as far as you can. Does it point back to your arm? is it painful or limited? If you failed any part of this test, we may be able to help. Click below to schedule an appointment.

Dysfunctional Elbow
Functional Elbow
Our Treatment Can Help:
  1. Adhesion
  2. Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
  3. Tendinosis
  4. Tingling, Burning, Numbness
  5. Sprain/Strain
  6. Undiagnosed Conditions

Ready to live your life pain free?


Matt Elliot - 11-time sub 4-minute miler

"When I think about my training and goals, the focus always lies on what can I be doing today to make my tomorrow better. I am always thinking of how I can get to the next level and maximize my fullest potential as an athlete. This way of thinking has allowed me to achieve many of my dreams and is a huge reason why I was able to find Mike Danenberg and his team at Performance Therapy. Active Release Therapy (A.R.T.) is a form of physical therapy using manual soft tissue release that has changed my life. Mike, who is a true healer, can make any one, of any age, of any ability level--optimized. He wants nothing more than to build relationships with people and help them move freely while feeling better than they were on their best day prior. Mike truly puts the art in A.R.T as his skills and mind for his craft are second to none. I feel literally "touched by an angel" each time I am in his office. I have no doubt that my running career will be given a new light because of his guidance. I am not only glad to call him my therapist. I am even prouder to call him my friend."

Matt Elliot
11-time sub 4-minute miler

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Making your pain go away will never be easier or less expensive to fix